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Hours: Mon - Sat: 9.00 AM - 5.00 PM
Who We Are

Matungu Constituency

The Matungu Constituency was carved out of the larger Mumias Constituency in 1997. It was created following complaints by a section of residents of Mumias that they felt unrepresented due to the large size of the constituency. Historically Matungu is the burial grounds of the Nabongo's (Kings) of the Wanga Kingdom. The constituency borders Bumula, which falls under the larger Bungoma County. The predominant community of the Luhya sub-tribe, the Wanga and partly the Bukusu are the natives.The wanga are the most influential in the area of Matungu, which emerged as a famous clan during the colonial days when their king, Nabongo Mumia collaborated with the British in pre-independence Kenya. The town is the king’s homeland came to be named after him, as Mumias and thus this famous ‘Cultural Centre’ litungu

  • KMTC Campus
  • Makokhwe Sec School
  • Namalasire Koyonzo Bridge
  • Mabolo Primary School
Project Delivery Rate
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what we are

Our Core Principles


To be a model constituency in effective and efficient management of devolved fund.

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To develop and implement the best community projects for social and economic advancement in order to mitigate against poverty in the constituency.

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  • Honesty and Integrity
  • Efficiency and Effectiveness
  • Innovativeness and Creativity
  • Inclusiveness
  • Equity and Equality
  • Accountability and Transparency
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Residents Voice

Kathryn Murphy


“ Consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer is nunc viverra laoreet est the is porta pretium metus aliquam eget maecenas porta is nunc viverra Aenean ”

Kathryn Murphy


“ Consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer is nunc viverra laoreet est the is porta pretium metus aliquam eget maecenas porta is nunc viverra Aenean ”

Kathryn Murphy


“ Consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer is nunc viverra laoreet est the is porta pretium metus aliquam eget maecenas porta is nunc viverra Aenean ”

County Assembly Wards in Matungu Constituency

Mayoni Ward

  1. County Assembly Ward No.:
  2. County Assembly Ward Name: Mayoni
  3. County Assembly Ward Population (Approx.):
  4. County Assembly Ward Area In Sq. Km (Approx.): 49.8
  5. County Assembly Ward Description: comprises part of

Mayoni Ward

  1. County Assembly Ward No.:
  2. County Assembly Ward Name: Mayoni
  3. County Assembly Ward Population (Approx.):
  4. County Assembly Ward Area In Sq. Km (Approx.): 58.3
  5. County Assembly Ward Description: comprises part of

Koyonzo Ward

  1. County Assembly Ward No.:
  2. County Assembly Ward Name: Koyonzo
  3. County Assembly Ward Population (Approx.):
  4. County Assembly Ward Area In Sq. Km (Approx.): 66.8
  5. County Assembly Ward Description: comprises part of

Kholera Ward

  1. County Assembly Ward No.:
  2. County Assembly Ward Name: Kholera
  3. County Assembly Ward Population (Approx.):
  4. County Assembly Ward Area In Sq. Km (Approx.): 61.9
  5. County Assembly Ward Description: comprises part of

Khalaba Ward

  1. County Assembly Ward No.:
  2. County Assembly Ward Name: Khalaba
  3. County Assembly Ward Population (Approx.):
  4. County Assembly Ward Area In Sq. Km (Approx.): 39
  5. County Assembly Ward Description: comprises part of
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